Which dialer is best for cold calling?

Cold calling software and tools that is best for the business

Which dialer is best for cold calling

Looking for the best dialer for cold calling

Calls are a crucial component in any contact center. To maximize your agents’ time, you must have the correct dialer to make cold calls. There are numerous dialers available which makes it difficult to determine which is best for your business. In this article, we’ll describe the advantages of dialer software, talk about the characteristics of each type, which dialer is best for cold calling , and assist you determine which one is ideal for your business.

Which dialer is best for cold calling?

Cold calling software and tools that is best for the business

Which dialer is best for cold calling? The most effective dialer for cold calls is often based on the business’s specific requirements; however, there are several choices that are highly recommended because of their capabilities and effectiveness. PhoneBurner is notable for its simplicity of use and its robust integration with CRM which makes it an ideal option among sales representatives. Another option that is worth considering can be Mojo Dialer, known for its triple-line dialing capability, which greatly improves the efficiency of calls. If you are a business looking for extensive analysis and automated workflows, CallTools offers a robust solution. In the end, the most effective dialer will be based on the particular requirements as well as the budget and scale of cold calling.

What is cold calling?

The practice of cold calling refers to a method of sales solicitation by businesses to clients who haven’t interacted with the person who is making the call. It typically refers to conversations via phone (hence the term “cold calling”) however technically, it covers door-to-door conversations, too.

What to consider on choosing a dialer for cold calling

Contact centers offer a variety of choices for dialers. Most important to do is choose one that is compatible with the needs of your company. Here are some points to think about when selecting an automated dialer to make cold calls:

  1. Ease of use: You’ll want a dialer which can be simple for your staff to operate so that they are able to take more phone calls, and become more efficient. Choose a dialer that features an user-friendly interface that is simple to use.
  2. Call quality: The dialer you choose must have clear quality calls to ensure that your employees can engage in productive conversations with customers. There’s nothing more annoying to a customer or agent than a poor quality phone. It not only affects the efficiency of your agents, but it also can result in a bad experience for the customer. A negative experience such as this could affect the way customers perceive your business in the future.
  3. Integration: The dialer you select must offer clear and crisp call quality, to allow your agents to engage in productive conversations with customers. There’s nothing more irritating to a customer or agent than poor quality phone service. Not only does it affect the efficiency of your agents, but it also can result in a bad customer experience. An unpleasant experience like this could affect the way your customers perceive your business for the next time.
  4. Customer support: If you’re running a call center, you must be able to depend on the dialer service provider to provide support for customers. It is inevitable that things will happen, so you must ensure that you have an experienced team who will help you solve any issues fast.

What do cold calling tools help with?

Cold calling tools can help you improve your cold calling process. In the majority of cases these tools have you uploading a list of prospects that includes your contact details and include a direct dial. The tool allows you to contact prospects via a single click. You can also monitor your call duration as well as take notes and track where prospects are within your sales funnel.

Find a cold-calling tool that works with your CRM or in conjunction with other tools within your sales arsenal, such as QuickMail. Based on the size of your team there are other factors to consider. Some tools cost a flat rate and others will charge per seat. When your sales and marketing team expands as well, the expense of your tool will go to a significant amount, so ensure you have a plan for it.

Best cold calling software and tools

The selection of the top cold calling tools and software is essential for maximizing marketing efforts. These tools improve efficiency, speed up workflows, and offer valuable insight via advanced analytics. From dialers that streamline call processes, to CRM systems that handle customer interactions, the appropriate software can revolutionize your cold-calling strategy.

Aircall Logo


Aircall is a cloud-based platform for call centers which is perfect to make cold calls.

It includes all the essential features and functions you’d expect, such as an automatic dialer that will automatically contact your list of prospects without the need to enter any numbers and CRM integrations to make sure that your records are always up-to-date and call whispering to help those times when you have to talk to your team during the phone on a live cold-call.

Aircall offers specific analytics, allowing you to determine how effective your cold phone calls have been in arranging meetings with your prospects, and accurately measure the effectiveness of campaigns. campaigns.You can also set up SMS sending and receiving which can be useful in the event that your customers want to follow up with a query to you.

Aircall integrates directly with QuickMail. When you make cold calls your notes will instantly sync with your prospects in QuickMail which means that you’ll have all the information you require to conduct productive conversations, and also close more deals.

 Starts at $30 per month per user
Key features: 
  • Sales dialer and one-click calling to easily work through your prospect list
  • Call whispering so you can talk to teammates while on calls and gather extra information
  • Integrates with QuickMail

PhoneBurner Logo


PhoneBurner is a cold call platform specifically designed to allow you to create more phone calls within a shorter time and to streamline the process of post-call follow-up.

You can prepare your prospect list, and PhoneBurner will dial them in automatically. If prospects call they can engage in an exchange with them. If they don’t, the option is to make a call or write a note or send a message and plan a time to call them back.

The workflows that you can create allow you to do this with minimal effort And after you’ve run your outbound campaign, you will be able to examine your campaign’s analytics and identify ways to improve the next time.

PhoneBurner helps you keep your work organized by making use of folders to effortlessly manage multiple campaigns simultaneously with different potential customers.

$149 per user per month
Key features: 
  • Automate post-call workflows and ensure key actions are always taken
  • Organize leads into folders to stay on top of your outreach
  • Work through long prospect lists automatically with the power dialer

Kixie Powercall Logo


Kixie is a sales-engagement platform designed for cold calls. You can call leads outbound and record calls to review the results, and record voicemails in just one click when your lead doesn’t answer the phone.

There are integrations to all the major CRMs, so you can track your prospects in your pipeline, and see which colleagues have been in contact with them.There’s an automated local presence dialer which will utilize a local phone number that is based on where your prospects reside to increase the rate of connection, as well.

$29 per month
Key features: 
  • Automatic local presence dialer to boost pick-up rate
  • Integrates with all major CRMs and Zapier to link it with other sales tools
  • Leave voicemails with 1-click

CallTools Logo


CallTools the call center software is designed to handle both outbound and inbound calls. It includes all the essential features your sales team requires such as power dialing to increase calls and visibility of call scripts calling coaching, recording and recording,

You can filter your list of prospects based on the criteria you specify, such as the location, size of your company or any other segmentation criteria you wish to add to ensure you’re contacting the appropriate people.You could easily convert your list of leads to an excel spreadsheet that you can be used in other tools or manage your contacts through the lead management software.

Available on request
Key features: 
  • Lead management system to keep track of hot, warm, and cold leads
  • Filter prospects based on any criteria you set
  • Power dialing to call more prospects in less time

JustCall Logo


JustCall is a mighty platform that can help you increase your chances of success. You can find local numbers that are available in more than the 58 nations to ensure that your calls are made from local toll-free numbers that improve the likelihood of your potential customer picking up.

Additionally, you can use an Auto Dialer to minimize the amount of time you are waiting in your process. Also, after a call, you can set up automated workflows to begin to ensure that you have any important assets, like an offer deck or a quotation to your potential customer as soon as you can. As you’d think, JustCall integrates with most CRMs. You can also include your call information to leads’ records.

You can also utilize your Call Monitoring feature to monitor the calls your team makes in order to work with them to improve the way you conduct the cold call.

$25 per month per user
Key features: 
  • Set up call and SMS sequences to get the best engagement
  • Automatically sync your CRM with JustCall to update records
  • Call tracking and recording to help you optimize how you run outreach campaigns

Cloudtalk Logo


CloudTalk’s cold-calling software is great for large and small groups, or for the sole salesperson in your business.

It’s fairly simple to set up and begin using. You can upload your list of prospects with their contact numbers and then quickly begin calling the list using the single-click call feature.

CloudTalk offers a variety of integrations to popular CRMs and sales tools that can aid you in integrating CloudTalk to your Cold Outreach workflow as well.

There’s an easy builder for campaigns which lets you create everything you’ll need to run your campaign, including your prospective customers, then run it through.

Zapier is an integration that can be connected to cold outreach tools such as QuickMail and is integrated with the majority of CRMs.

€25 per user per month
Key features: 
  • Virtual phone numbers for 140 countries and locations
  • CRM and Zapier integrations to ensure you always have key information on prospects
  • Click-to-call and power dialer to improve productivity

Myphoner Logo


Myphoner is a cold-calling software that allows teams to work together and remain on top of their outreach to cold callers.

The software that makes cold calls lets you be a part of a team, and it is possible to have several team members working on your list of potential customers without hindering each other since the software automatically assigns your next prospective to a sales rep.

You can also leave helpful notes on your prospect profiles to help other team members, and set reminders of when to follow up with them.It’s also one of the more affordable cold calling tools on here starting at $19 per seat per month, so it’s ideal for small-to-medium-sized businesses and teams.

$19 per seat per month
Key features: 
  • Add notes and follow-up call reminders to keep your outreach organized
  • Duplicate detection to avoid phoning the same number twice
  • Lead segmentation to see an overview of your pipeline health

VICIdial Logo


If you’re willing to invest some effort to set up VICIdial in place, then it could be a good choice. It’s a free open source software that is available to download, however even so, it’s packed with features that will assist you in connecting with the right potential customers for your company.

Despite its outdated UI however, the program itself includes everything you require to manage a successful cold-calling program. You can set up separate tracker IDs to agents. You can monitor the activity of your agents, analyze general campaign metrics and also integrate VICIdial with other applications due via the API.

Naturally, the biggest drawback is that it’s not a paid platform, which means there are limitations, and, if you encounter problems, you’ll need to resolve them by yourself. You can also visit their support forum for assistance with other VICIdial users.

Key features: 
  • Robust and feature-rich platform available for free
  • No added costs for new seats or users
  • API to connect it with any tool in your sales software stack

Gong Logo


Gong is a platform for sales that has a wide range of features, however one of its most effective features for cold calling is the recording feature for calls.

Gong will listen to your calls, then translate them into text, and once it’s finished, will provide AI-powered insights into your phone scripts, the words you choose to use and assist you in determining the best practices, and whatnot.

After the call it’s time to dig into the call transcript or recording to re-listen to the portions you’d like to revisit after which you can review the rest. It will alert you that you’re mentioning pricing, or a specific aspect too often during the call, so that you’re aware of it and update the way you conduct your business before your next cold phone call.

Recordings can be made available to your entire team members and connected to your CRM data to ensure that everyone has access to the information.With tools like this we’d suggest letting the person you’re recording prior to.

Custom, available on request
Key features: 
  • Compare your talk ratio with your prospects to see if you need to let them talk more
  • Identify phrases you’re talking about too often
  • Keep track of every call interaction with key prospects and sales leads

Dialpad Logo


Dialpad can be a tool designed to aid your business with all aspects connected with your telephone systems. It also includes a strong sales dialer and an outbound telephone system that will assist you and your sales team to have conversations with qualified prospects and provide better feedback from your sales processes.

Prospects can be contacted via your web browser and send text messages to them if you’re required to provide them with an additional resource after the call.

The voice recognition software that listens to your calls and, should it spot an objection to sales, it will instantly display what Dialpad calls battle cards which are a pre-written answer to deal with the sales objection. This is a great feature to prevent sales representatives from being confused by questions they’ve not heard for some time.

As you’d expect from a call, they are recorded and transcribed, and you’ll get precise statistics on your call’s performance. You can also build an archive of calls that have been successful which you can reminisce upon and use to teach new team members the best way to conduct sales calls.Like the other cloud-based cold call system There’s a chance that if you have internet issues during your call, there will be delays in the voice, however, as long as you are connected to the internet, there shouldn’t be any issues.

$15 per month per user
Key features: 
  • CRM and ESP integrations to make calls from wherever you need to
  • Automatic prompts to help you handle sales objections
  • One click dialer to help you talk to more prospects in less time

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best dialers for cold calling real estate?

  1. JustCall
  2. Kixie
  3. Phone Burner
  4. Call Hub
  5. Calley

What are free cold calling software?

  1. Rafiki
  2. Myphoner
  3. Vanillasoft
  4. Toky
  5. Aircall
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