Smart fridge buying guide 2019

Whether you want to purchase a smart refrigerator, or just curious about the latest innovations of different kinds of smart refrigerators in the market, this article has the rundown on the best smart refrigerator brands fit for 2019 and beyond.

Smart refrigerator manufacturers regularly introduce new features to differentiate their wares,  a situation which has shopping difficult, if you do not have the right tools. Here is a guide for smart refrigerator shopping needs.

What does a smart refrigerator do?

What is a smart fridge?

A smart refrigerator features ability to connect to the internet through Wi-Fi to offer various additional features.

A smart fridge has a touchscreen interface, internal cameras and flexible user-controlled cooling points, and the ability for the user to interact with its features using a smartphone when away from home.

What is even more outstanding about smart refrigerators is that  you can connect them with other smart devices in your home such as speakers, smart dishwasher, smart TVs or smart microwave.

Smart fridge features

Smart refrigerator manufacturers are creating both practical and bold new features to give their fridges an edge in the appliance market.

These features will guide you and offer you more choices when shopping. Although exact features in smart fridge varies by brand and model, below is an overview of some of the activities smart fridge features can make you do.Remember that not all smart refrigerators have similar features.

What can a smart fridge touchscreen interface feature enables me to do?

You can use the touchscreen interface feature of your fridge to do the following activities:

  • Smart fridge touchscreen interface enables you to look up recipes and have your refrigerator read the steps for you as you cook
  • You can coordinate your family members schedules using your smart refrigerator touch screen interface
  • Transparent smart fridge touchscreen to see what is in your fridge even without opening
  • The best part about smart fridge touchscreen interface is that you can use the feature to set expiration dates for your products and receive notifications to use your food while still fresh
  • You can create profiles for every family member and even send them personal notes using a smart fridge thanks to its touchscreen interface feature
  • With a smart refrigerator touchscreen interface you are able to cast from a smart TV in another room to watch from the kitchen

Interior cameras fitted in the smart fridge enables you to double check your products  even when you are not at home.

  •  For example, you can double-check the number of eggs in your fridge while at the store.

You can interact with smart fridge features using your smartphone when away from home.

  • Can you imagine how easy it is to turn the ice maker on or even off from your smartphone.  This is possible with smart fridge.

The best part about some fridge brand is that they come with keurig single-cup coffee maker feature.

  • This smart fridge feature will not only save your counter space in the house, but will also make your coffee making routine a bit easier.

With a smart fridge you do not have to open or close the door thanks to the incorporated sensors-it closes automatically.

  • For a smart refrigerator you do not have to go to the trouble of opening the fridge at all-they are fitted with a sensor in the door which responds to a gentle bump.
  • If the door is not closed securely, the sensors will automatically shut the door for you to keep your food fresh and prevent cool air from getting out.

What are smart fridge disadvantages?

With all the smart refrigerators features and connectivity, below are some of the concerns you should be aware when buying a smart fridge.

However, a smart refrigerator is a smart decision.

  • Smart fridge is more expensive compared to regular refrigerator

If you are going for a smart fridge with high quality features such as bottom-drawer freezer, french-door style this will be more expensive compared to regular fridge. However, the prices of smart fridge have significantly reduced making them relatively 

  • A smart fridge can easily be hacked

You must be wondering how you refrigerator can be hacked and who can hack it. Well, smart home technology connects to the internet and uses Wi-Fi access to set up for other devices. A hacker can take your login information and use it in other places.

  • Repairing smart fridge could be expensive

Repairing cost for normal features such as condenser coils, fans and compressors could be relatively cheap. However, for special features such as hands-free door opening sensors, built-in coffee maker or even the touchscreen interface it could be expensive.

  • A smart fridge is advantageous as it can become obsolete when a model is developed

With the change in technology more smart fridge features are likely to be developed. As so you can always be up-to-date with smart technology devices and this includes smart refrigerator. However, some companies are able to update new software to your smart fridge.

Which smart refrigerator brand is most reliable?

Most reliable smart fridge brand 2019

The reliability of a smart refrigerator, is the key thing to consider when shopping for one. You do not want to purchase a refrigerator which will give you problems right away.

The thing is almost all appliances brands offer similar refrigerators. But which brands stand out ?

The best bottom smart freezer refrigerator is Whirlpool Bottom freezer refrigerator

You will possibly want to purchase this  bottom smart freezer refrigerator as it has the best temperature management system. The freezer uses built-in sensors to measure the internal temperature of the refrigerator and makes necessary adjustments. Beside this special feature the following features make Whirlpool bottom freezer refrigerator stand out.

  • Whirlpool bottom freezer refrigerator has SpillGuard shelves which make cleaning the fridge easier.

The small spills which prevent water from dripping onto lower shelves while the glass enables easy wipedowns.

  • Most of the food  stored in Whirlpool bottom freezer refrigerator is stored  at eye level hence you do not have to bend down to pick your food. 

This feature makes this refrigerator suitable for the elderly and those who do not use refrigerators often.

  • One of the disadvantages of bottom freezer refrigerator is that it has poor freezer layout

Just like most bottom freezers Whirlpool, has one door for the refrigerator and one large drawer pull out for the freezer.  This design makes it hard to see or even remember which food is resting at the bottom of the bin. It can also be difficult to rummage through layers of frozen food.

If you are looking for French door refrigerator  Whirlpool double drawer French door is the best smart fridge

The following points explain why you should buy whirlpool double drawer French door refrigerator.

  • Whirlpool double drawer French refrigerator is fashionable and feature-heavy.

The French door refrigerator comes with features such as external water and ice dispenser. Some have drawers which you can open without opening the rest of the refrigerator. The best part is they come with different finishes to fit your home.

  • With Whirlpool double drawer door fridge you can expect to have fresher food.

The refrigerator has an outstanding dual cooling system, which senses the internal temperature of the fridge and adjusts humidity level automatically.

  • Whirlpool double drawer door fridge are most reliable brand when it comes to space efficiency

Whirlpool has smaller doors on either a top or bottom freezer refrigerator, hence they do not open widely in the kitchen area.

  • Consider that whirlpool double door fridges are more expensive to run

The refrigerator uses more electricity than other brands, this increases the cost of energy.

The best side by side smart refrigerator 2019-GE  side by side refrigerator

The most outstanding feature about this smart refrigerator  is its freezer space and style. The best thing with this fridge is that it provides shelving units for your freezer, making it organized as compared to other refrigerators. However, they have a narrow space spacing which makes it difficult to store food such as pizza.

Best top freezer smart refrigerator-LG electronics 

LG electronics smart refrigerator is easy on your wallet and offers good quality services. This freezer consumes less amount of electricity compared to other types. LG top smart refrigerator are popular for their design as they have plenty of usable space. However, this type of smart fridge do not have many color options.

Samsung family hub smart refrigerator

If you are always forgetting which type of food you need to buy, do not worry anymore.Samsung smart refrigerator come with special cameras which will snap photos of the shelves and send them to your phone upon request whenever you’re out and about.

Even better you can remotely adjust the fridge’s temperature by wi-fi and get alerts when the door is justify open. And not only that with samsung family hub smart refrigerator you can play music from streaming service Pandora.

How much does a smart fridge cost?

Best price for smart refrigerator 2019

If you are wondering how much a smart refrigerator cost, the price varies depending on the following factors:

  • Features that the smart fridge has- A smart refrigerator with unique and modern features will cost more than a refrigerator with normal features.
  • Smart refrigerator price varies with different brands and designs. Usually popular brands might have higher prices compared to less popular ones.
  • The place where you buy your smart refrigerator will also affect the price of the refrigerator. You can buy online or in a store.

Price for most reliable smart fridge brand 2019

Though the price may change below is an approximation of how much you should expect to spend.

  • If you are purchasing Whirlpool bottom smart freezer refrigerator, expect to spend at least $1,254.10.
  • For a whirlpool drawer French door refrigerator you can spend anywhere from $3,886.65
  • A GE side by side refrigerator is easy on your pocket as you can buy with as little as $ 1,099.99
  • For a LG electronics top freezer refrigerator you can purchase one with at least $ 1,199
  • To equip your house with a Samsung connected touch screen family hub you should atleast have $ 3,600

How do you which smart fridge is best for your kitchen?

Not all smart refrigerator types will be suitable for your kitchen. The following guidelines will help you purchase the best smart fridge depending on your kitchen needs.

  • Before you purchase a smart refrigerator know exactly what size you are looking for. Smart refrigerators vary by height, width and depth. For a small space the best smart refrigerator is a top freezer.
  • Determine the features which are important to you so that you can buy the right refrigerator. Basically when it comes to smart refrigerator features you will have these four options to choose from.

    • If you want to go economical top freezers is what you should consider purchasing.
    • French door smart refrigerators will give you enough space to store food as they have nicer glass shelving and option drawers compared to others.
    • Bottom freezers will be a great option for you, if you want your food at eye and hand level. They are also attractive and have different finishes.
    • Side by side smart refrigerators will occupy more of your kitchen space, but will offer you more freezer space.

  • To know the ideal smart fridge consider your available kitchen space and your household size and your cooking preferences.
  • Before purchasing a smart refrigerator determine where you can have it repaired. We all hope our appliances will run smoothly for the longest time possible, however if your fridge spoils it is important to have a repair shop. This will save your time and could be cheaper.


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